In times like these, feed your soul to start your day.

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To put it mildly, this is a very unsettling season we’re all in. Your soul probably isn’t getting the nourishment it needs to stay healthy.

Well, drastic times call for simple measures.

Wait… what?

Yes, that’s right. Simple measures. With the level of uncertainty about most everything, and with the dramatic change in routine for so many of us, and with the frenzied pace of news reporting, and with the crazed actions of shoppers in the market, each of us must be intentional to slow down and nourish our inner self. Our bodies and souls are not built for all this. Neither are our relationships. We can’t be there for each other if we’re not first attentive to our own well being.

So here are a few things to try this week to at least start your day in a better state of wellness. (You can return to these things later in the day, too, if you need to!)

  • Take time to slowly savor the first few sips of your favorite morning beverage.

  • Chew your breakfast more slowly than normal, and think about the flavors and textures as you eat.

  • Spend a few minutes (not a few seconds) looking out the window and noticing things.

  • Create some silence and notice what it feels like to be in it. (This may require some creativity if you live with other people, but it’ll be worth it. Maybe you can invite the others to be in it with you.)

  • Breathe. Slowly. A few good deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

  • Picture in your mind the face of someone who loved you well at some point in your life. Smile at them.

And as you complete each of these steps, allow yourself to flow into a few moments of gratitude.

You’ll notice a cumulative effect as you do this over many days and as you allow yourself more time each day. And, if at all possible, invite someone else to try it too and then talk with each other about it.


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